Phase 2 Module

Psychology and Mental Health

Yoga and mindfulness practices are powerful tools for assisting in emotional healing, self regulation, and resiliency. This training will provide participants with a thorough overview of how Yoga and mindfulness can impact and heal issues related to emotional dysregulation, depression, anxiety, trauma, an overactive brain, and negative wiring.

Course Description:

Gain knowledge of Yoga perspectives on body and mind integration, expanding on the Biomedical Module to include human development and psychology while exploring the application of this knowledge to the therapeutic relationship. The curriculum will include models of human development —including developmental stages, lifecycles, and personality and will investigate the influence of family, society, and culture on medical and psychological health and well-being. Students will examine Yogic perspectives on the structure, functioning, and conditions of the mind as well as the interaction of the body, breath, mind, intellect, and emotions in health and well-being.

Continuing Education (CE) Opportunities

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