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  • Yoga for the Special Child


  • English
  • Portuguese



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Sonia Sumar began teaching Yoga for children with special needs after her daughter Roberta was born with Down Syndrome in 1972. Sonia noticed many positive changes in Roberta from using Yoga, so in 1975 she became a Certified Yoga Teacher and in 1980 she opened the Integral Yoga Center of Belo Horizonte, Brazil.  Sonia published her book “Yoga for the Special Child” in 1983, which is now available in Portuguese, English (also e-book), Spanish, and Mandarin.

Sonia Sumar is the creator of Yoga for the Special Child®-The Sonia Sumar Method and offers her specialized training courses to Yoga teachers and other professionals.  Programs are taught live in South America, Europe, United States and Asia, with online programs available worldwide (see  Sonia’s life dream is to help all the world’s children achieve their full potential and become active and productive members of society.

Contact Information for:

Sivakami Sonia Sumar

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